Pseudoxanthoma elasticum - Genetics, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation


Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is an autosomal-recessively inherited multisystem disease. Mutations in the ABCC6-gene are causative, coding for a transmembrane transporter mainly expressed in hepatocytes, which promotes the efflux of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This results in low levels of plasma inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi), a critical anti-mineralization factor. The clinical phenotype of PXE is characterized by the effects of elastic fiber calcification in the skin, the cardiovascular system, and the eyes. In the eyes, calcification of Bruch’s membrane results in clinically visible lesions, including peau d’orange, angioid streaks, and comet tail lesions. Frequently, patients must be treated for secondary macular neovascularization. No effective therapy is available for treating the cause of PXE, but several promising approaches are emerging. Finding appropriate outcome measures remains a significant challenge for clinical trials in this slowly progressive disease. This review article provides an in-depth summary of the current understanding of PXE and its multi-systemic manifestations. The article offers a detailed overview of the ocular manifestations, including their morphological and functional consequences, as well as potential complications. Lastly, previous and future clinical trials of causative treatments for PXE are discussed.

Prog. Retin. Eye Res.