Supernormal foveal photoreceptor density in Alport syndrome: A case report


PURPOSE: To investigate foveal photoreceptor configuration in Alport syndrome, a rare inherited disease characterized by Collagen IV dysfunction. METHODS: Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) in vivo imaging of the foveal center and quantitative analysis of cone photoreceptor topography in a 17-year-old male patient with Alport syndrome presenting absence of a foveal avascular zone (FAZ) and foveal hypoplasia in both eyes. RESULTS: Cone density analysis based on AOSLO images revealed an unusual linear cone topography profile displaying supernormal densities within the fovea (z-scores up to + 3.57 and + 2.97 in right and left eyes, respectively). CONCLUSION: Foveal hypoplasia has previously been associated with normal or reduced cone density. Our observation is the first case of disease-related supernormal cone density within the foveola, shedding light upon the role of Collagen IV in foveal maturation.

Eur. J. Ophthalmol.